Day of the Global Action Against the Military Coup in Myanmar : NLC Condemns Coup in Myanmar and Urges Respect for Democracy and Human Rights in Myanmar

The Nigeria Labour Congress Condemns Coup in Myanmar and Urges Respect for Democracy and Human Rights in Myanmar

Text of an Address by Comrade Ayuba Wabba, mni, President, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) on the Day of the Global Action Against the Military Coup in Myanmar

It was with great dismay that the Nigeria Labour Congress and indeed workers all over the world received the news of the forceful overthrow of the democratic government in Myanmar and the subsequent military take-over. This move is certainly anti-progressive and anti-development. This development particularly worries us because of its impact on the rights and liberties of workers and the ordinary people of Myanmar.

The Nigeria Labour Congress working in concert with the global working-class solidarity has pledged to do all within its power to stop the coup from succeeding. We will work to ensure the release of all those detained. We will campaign to bring an end to the violence and harassment of the people of Myanmar. We make the demand that the perpetrators and masterminds of the coup in Myanmar must be isolated.

In line with the positions and demands of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to international institutions, we have called on governments worldwide including the government of Nigeria to stand together in support of the people in Myanmar to:

· Publicly condemn the coup d’état in Myanmar.

· Not recognize or appease the military junta that has hijacked power in Myanmar.

· Request the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to keep the Myanmar seat vacant until the elected representatives can form a parliament and a government.

· Support the adoption of an urgent resolution of the UN Security Council, including sanctions for the coup leaders.

· Call for a special session of the UN Human Rights Council to review the situation in Myanmar; to call for the release of everyone arrested pursuant to the coup; and to mandate the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar to monitor and issue a special report on the human rights situation, including arrests, compliance with freedom of association, protection of protestors, respect for the right to peaceful assembly and protests and the right to opinion, expression and speech, including reliance on information technology platforms.

· Implement comprehensive economic sanctions to stop any and all revenue to the military.

· Immediately cease all military cooperation and arms trade with Myanmar.

· Expose and hold to account all lobby firms employed by Myanmar’s military.

· Trace supply chains of military-run companies in Myanmar or outside Myanmar to ensure full application of economic sanctions.

· Support and assist all refugees from Myanmar’s military persecution.

· Protect Myanmar’s diplomatic staff in the country.

· We demand that Nigerian companies operating in or sourcing from Myanmar should provide support to workers where operations are curtailed and also support and protection to workers protesting the coup.

We stand in solidarity with Myanmar’s workers and with the people of Myanmar and pay tribute to those brave workers taking action to reject the military takeover.

After 30 years of military dictatorship in Myanmar, we stand united with the people of Myanmar to ensure that the people’s vote is respected and that all those who have been democratically elected can form a legitimate government.

Comrade Ayuba Wabba, mni


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