SUDAN: NLC calls on international community to stop carnage

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has called on the global community to unite and stop the ongoing carnage by the military in Sudan before it escalates into more killings.

The NLC in a statement sent to PREMIUM TIMES also called for global action against the military junta to check the carnage against defenceless citizens of the country.

The statement, signed by NLC acting president, Najeem Yasin, said the action of the military junta was a betrayal of the people on whose back it rode to power.

“The global community should unite to stop this carnage by the military before it escalates into more killings that would derail the momentum of the struggle to reestablish negotiations leading to civilian rule under an atmosphere of free and fair election,” the statement said.

The NLC also called on all persons of goodwill and the international community to take urgent decisive actions to call the junta to order and offer concrete measures for the protection of the lives of activists and the people of Sudan.

The statement reads in part: “The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has watched with shock the massacre of over 100 pro-democracy activists and other persons by the military Junta in Sudan.

“This blatant use of force against unarmed and defenceless civilians, which saw killings involving children and several injured persons over the sit-in by protesters to establish a democratic process in Sudan, is highly condemnable and should not be allowed to continue by the international community.

“It is instructive that the Junta rode on the protests of pro-democratic forces that ousted former President Omar al-Bashir ostensibly to protect the protesters, only to turn its guns on them and the Sudanese population.”

The statement described the carnage as an unconscionable betrayal of the Sudanese people who had suffered untold hardship and violence in the hands al-Bashir’s Rapid Support Forces or Janjaweed, which the Junta had recently unleashed on pro-democracy activists.

“While applauding the timely suspension of Sudan by the African Union (AU), and the intention of the UN to intervene in the political crisis, we call on all persons of goodwill and the international community to take urgent decisive actions to call the Junta to order and offer concrete measures for the protection of the lives of activists and the people of Sudan,” the statement said.

Sudan’s veteran opposition leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on Friday called for an “objective” international investigation into the deadly crackdown on protesters after the ruling military council rejected such a probe.

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